DEATH AND BURIAL 591 Jesus, I Live to Thee Rom. 14: 8 S. M. Tenbury Henry Harbaugh, 1850 Frederick A. G. Ouseley, 1861 and but not er li to which death est I I When The ask know ev Love Thine; best: come; Best; be is shall ing er sus, sus, to or I I Je 1 Je 2 4 Liv 3 Wheth Lord, die Thee Thee, dy live die live ing, or to to mine. rest. home. A ev end ter love is for rest. er less blest nal I e life men. My To To My life Thee, Thee Thee Thee, in bliss die life in Thy is is Thy live life in in Make To In In me, me, heav’n die my Thy in me, life to me to in